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Old 03-17-2011, 09:27 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Sumas, Wa
Posts: 51

So the consensus seems to be: double the price of supplies plus a resonable hourly rate for your time. The suggestion of $25 an hour seems expreme to me. I've been known to work 6 hours a day on a quilt, but I don't really see this as work; it's a gift to be useful to others, sustains me on my path. Well, yes That's not going to fill the bread box. but there must be a compromise somewhere that feeds both body and soul. And we must ask yourselves are we quilting for money or for personal expression? Deep questions. Do I really know why I quilt? The same reason I write books to make my existance a value to the human perfection to which we attain.
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