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Old 03-17-2011, 02:36 PM
Carol's Quilts
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Posts: 768

All the above advice is good. Here are a few more pieces of advice.

You might want to ask his dr. how many carbs he can have every day, then you'll both have to become carb counters like dieters are calorie counters. You'll learn just how much of what foods he can have.

Hint: you'll also learn how you can "cheat" once in a while by omitting for instance an allowable starch or bread serving and having a small serving of dessert instead, say for a birthday or holiday celebration.

Serve two veggies at a meal instead of a starch and one veggie. Pay particular attention to carb-laden veggies like peas and corn.

Get a little carb counter booklet and refer to it often. You'd be surprised how many foods have high carb counts.

He doesn't have to give up pastas if you start cooking Dreamfields brand of pasta. It has added fiber (you'd never know it) which reduces the digestible carbs and makes it very low on the glycemic index. It never increases my glucose count. It comes in a black box. If your grocery store doesn't handle it, you can get it online at or call 1-800-250-1917.
I've served it to family and to company and nobody can tell any difference. But be careful - I can have a whole bunch of macaroni salad, but macaroni and cheese sends my sugar through the roof. It's because of the lactose (milk sugar) in the cheese and milk in the cheese sauce.

Read labels and pay particular attention to nutrition facts. There are all kinds of carbs which raise blood sugar counts - anything that ends in "ose" is a sugar/carb - glucose, fructose, (fruit sugar), lactose (milk sugar), etc.

Don't be fooled by foods (desserts, baked goods, etc.) labeled "sugar free". Sugar-free baked goods are made with flour which is a high-count carb. Also, most sugar-free baked goods and candies are sweetened with maltitol which gives many people diarrhea. Have him try just a liittle at a time to see if it affects him.

Also, sugar-free ice cream has only about 3-4 fewer carbs per serving than regular sugar, so don't be taken in.

Unbelievably, sugar-free Cool Whip has 1 MORE carb than regular Cool Whip (and doesn't taste as good).

When checking labels, check carbohydrate counts, not just sugar. Sugar is a carb, and that's what you have to avoid.

That's all I can think of right now, and I'm sorry this is so long, but it's information I've learned over time the HARD way!

Good luck!
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