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Old 03-17-2011, 06:10 PM
Sashing-Sarah709's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Missouri
Posts: 85

Originally Posted by Sashing-Sarah709
Originally Posted by OHSue
All the local LQS I have been to are pretty generous. At my Joann's or HL I make it a point to say something about needing the full amount cause I am calculating it pretty close or something to that effect. It usually gets me a skosh over what I paid for. And also I always try to be extra nice to these people, I have worked in customer service and lots of these folks get treated miserably at times, so I think if you are really nice they want to be nice back.
Wow...not at my Joann’s!! I get most of my stuff from them since I don't have a lot of choices in my town. I have to say that they positively short-cut EVERY piece for several reasons. One gal drives me nuts to the point of I won't buy any fabric is she's cutting. I may sound like a loony but here's why I won‘t buy from her.

The woman lays the raw edge of the fabric along the straight edge of the yard stick--but--the end that is going to cut--she angles up almost an inch or two from the yard stick!!! When I point out that the fabric needs to be flush on the straight edge she flat refuses to straighten it up. "That doesn't make any difference. It'll be fine." OMG!!!! She went ahead cut the fabric over my objections that is now as crooked as a dog's hind leg!!!! I unfolded the piece of fabric she handed me and tried show her how she'd shorted me and again...nothing. I made sure I didn't have an attitude when I showed her because it's no better for a customer to be rude than the clerk. But she simply refused to look at the material laid out and said I was just trying to get more than what I was paying for. OMG!!! Noooooooooo . . . I don't mind paying for what I ask for if I get the full yardage!!! This one piece alone was a full fourth of a yard less since both ends especially since it was cut crooked on both ends not to mention that it was in two different directions. GADS!!!! I respectfully refused to take the fabric and left. I came back the next day and spoke to the manager and well, it was wasted gas. Sigh . . . I so miss our old manager!!!!!

Now with this said--there are some GREAT clerks working there and this one cluck is the exception. But when I go there--I look to see who's cutting and that tells me if I‘m going to buy or not. I would probably dump that store if there was another store around here that had all the fabric I needed . . . Oh yeah in a heartbeat!!! Hmmm...wait…maybe this is the universe's way of telling me I really didn't need that material after all? LOL :roll: :lol:

Darn it!!! I quoted the wrong post again . . . grumbling at self. . . this is in response to someone that said that their Joann's gave a bit more. That's it . . . I'm going to bed. LOLOL
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