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Old 03-18-2011, 07:59 AM
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: formerly Chicago suburb now Mooresville,NC
Posts: 66

Originally Posted by raedar63
Originally Posted by Sadiemae
Originally Posted by Furza Flyin
If this RX is a controlled med, someone might have lifted the prescription discarded by your current pharmacy and tried to have it filled elsewhere.
If it was mine it wouldn't be a controlled med, just something to help me sleep. Doesn't it seem strange that someone would go to this much trouble and not pick up the medicine? I haven't had anything filled since June '09.
If it were something to help you sleep trust me abusers want it.(I see lots of drug abusers in my proffesion almost on a daily basis)
I would also follow up on the Identity theft thing. I have been an identity theft target back before you heard so much about it. It took at least 8 years to clean up my credit report. (they didn't offer insurance etc back then) I came real close to having my wages garnished .
Make sure that you get to the bottom of this.
They may too just be testing to see if your information worked for the ,and then on to bigger things!
I recently retired from a check in desk at a MD's office and we were told that insurance/medicare identitiy fraud is increasing, so I would do everything to make sure that everything is corrected. Since medical records are now all on computer, if someone has had medical things done, test taken, meds filled, it is now in your records. If a doctor has to access these records and gets the wrong information, it could be very serious. I don't want to scare you but these things happen.
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