Thread: Batiks
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Old 02-15-2009, 04:15 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: The Finger Lakes of upstate NY
Posts: 3,453

You folks need to come to the Finger Lakes. The Mennonite stores have absolutely NO character but they have amazing fabrics and the prices are unbelieveable. There are two w/in 30 minutes of me. One is a general store (no foods, but everything from stationery to underwear to pots and pans) with a fabric corner. The other used to be Hoovers Shoes, but recently changed their name. Probably b/c she sells more fabric than shoes. They still have the shoes, as well as bonnets & hats, but more fabric than ever. Golden something or other now.

Fabric is about $5.50/yard and is includes all of the usual manufacturers - Moda, Thimbleberries, Lakeshore, Benartex, etc.

Both stores have lots of batiks. Want to come? Maybe we can do a little shop hop and a miniature horse showing of sorts. Come on, Karla, let's get them here for a visit!
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