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Old 01-10-2007, 06:21 AM
Betsy's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 8

Ok I keep reading about using flannel but I am confused. When I think of flannel I think of like flannel shirts. But when I go to the fabric store the flannel they have usually has childrens designs on it and can some times be expensive.
I am making my sister Strawberry Placemats and it sounds like the flannel would be a good idea for a backing. If I did that would I still put batting in between or just the top and the back? Also I was going to buy a nice green small dot for the backing so I could fold it over for the backing, if I use the flannel for the back could I still buy some green polka dot to use for the binding?
If I use flannel in between on a quilt do you get something pretty or just find some ugly print off the bargain shelf?
I know these are stupid questions, I'm not real sure about fabric, the gals at my fabric store are really nice but of course they are trying to make a profit.
Thanks for all your help.
Betsy :D
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