Old 03-21-2011, 08:19 PM
The Creative Seamstress
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 364

Hello everyone! Now that zero hour has arrived, I just wanted to take a quick moment to address a few things from this month's swaps most FAQ's from sign up to present...

1) "Will the person we mail to be the same as the one we recieve from"? -

As for how the "buddy system" works in this particular swap - you will NOT be recieving from the same person you are mailing to, buddies are completely randomized, whereby I only take into account specific issues with individuals with specific allergies etc (like to nuts etc) and total number of international mailings (if any) and then re-randomize those groupings accordingly.

2) "Should we/Can I/ post pictures of my pincushion that I made once it's done"? -

I'll be addressing this specifically as apart of the rules in future swaps since it was ambiguous this time around (as I didn't realize it might become a problem) ;) - No, :) please do not post pictures of your pincushion prior to having recieved one from your swap buddy. The idea is to recieve a unique creation from a random buddy and have it be a complete surprise! Once your random buddy has recieved it, they themselves will be posting a picture(s) of the cushion they recieved. If for some reason they cannot or do not have access to a digital camera - then once you have confirmed they recieved it (and given them a reasonable amount of time to come online to share it with us all) will it then be permissable for the cushions original creator to self post a picture of your created pincushion if your buddy does not/can not.

3) More on the "No" pictures... (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY and pardon my rant but it is necessary) ;)

This will need to be addressed in the rules next time... and here is why... and hopefully you'll appreciate my BLATANT honesty with you all as to the rationale... (Please read and understand carefully as I am in no way attempting to incite any online riot, LOL)...

My experience: This swap is open to all levels of sewing experience (and everyone is supposed to be FULLY comfortable with that realistic fact pursuant to the rules)... I had the UNFORTUNATE AND IRRITATING displeasure of having several instances of individuals simply discriminating. Allow me to elaborate further... :(

For example, some either weren't interested in joining the swap after I'd posted it (but had been involved in this swap prior to my hosting it) because they were unhappy with what they recieved in swaps prior and/or who later claimed to be desirous of joining/signing up etc - but had to wait to see "who" would be apart of this new one etc, because they feared putting in their efforts and perhaps not recieving one of comparable effort. Furthermore, some individuals seem to "troll" pictures on the forum to see what they might get and if it doesn't suit their tastes, they won't join or drop out. THIS IS COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS BEHAVIOR! It angered/irritated me even more when I would be asked if they could join but later pick whom they'd like to recieve from...

RANT: I'd care to direct and redirect any such individuals who might come across this message (contemplating such requests or line of questioning in the future) to the rules and the acceptance of the fact that this swap is open to all skill levels. Furthermore that as a result of the same, what you put in effortwise may not be returned as everyone's skill level and creativity is different, pure and simple. If this doesn't work for you - DO NOT JOIN or waste time asking the Host if you could have a particular partner whose creation you'd prefer! The only expectation each member of this swap should have is to physically recieve a mailed package containing a handmade pincushion. Period. Leave any expectations out the door! This is pure, simple fun!!! Expectations are for the retail stores. This is human to human creativity and some are more so than others. (END RANT).

I'm sorry for the aforementioned, but I felt that these experiences were worth mentioning as it truly breaks my heart to have seen those who chose to discriminate on signing up etc on the basis of the photos they saw and/or on the basis of the percieved quality of the pincushion/(s) they recieved from particular individuals during prior swaps. This is supposed to be a fun activity! No one gets to pick and choose who makes their cushion or who is essentially "worthy" enough to join to be apart of it. In the end, I'm glad not to have such individuals be apart of this swap.

It truly is a sad, sad thing - but I've had that happen already in this swap during sign ups etc so I'll definetly be addressing these issues specifically in the next swap... It would be my sincerest hope that any such future instances which may stand to arise will be dissuaded from occurring in the future by a revision of the rules to reflect the same.

4) "Can I/Why can't we/ have multiple buddies so we can send more than one pincushion"? -

I personally am fond of this idea and had originally proposed this in my original swap rules. However, this provision was removed during the approval process as a condition to getting the swap approved and I was allowed no leeway on the matter.

Given the fact that there is a clear interest in this, I will revisit the same when proposing the next swap, as there have been several requests for the same. I encourage you to publically post your "vote" on this one in this thread, or by sending me a PM if you choose to tally up my petition list.


On a side note, once this swap has concluded, I will be posting a request for a vote on a few items that I'd like to include as variable provisions for future pincushion swaps (such as themes, twists etc) and based upon your responses/demand will I draft future proposals for approval. So far so good, as I feel thus far this swap has been very successful with 44 members strong, and I'd love to see that number climb!

So, in the meantime, everyone please remember to send me via PM your delivery confirmations and in the next few days the big reveals of photos etc will be rolling in to see what you all have created! I'm super excited!

Any additional questions/concerns, please feel free to PM me at any time, and I'll be sure to respond as soon as I can! Take care!

Explosive blessings, abundance and inspiration to you all!
- The Creative Seamstress
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