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Old 03-22-2011, 07:09 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Southeastern, NC
Posts: 23

Originally Posted by IT_Nana
It's beautiful. I've been looking for a featherweight on ebay, but they're selling for more than I'm willing to pay right now. What did you use to clean and polish it? I need to get busy on my Free sewing machine.
Thanks! I actually found mine on Craigslist, plus I got to actually try it out first. I've seen them on other sites as well.

I used (per Billy's instructions) GoJo hand cleaner (non-pumice) and Meguiars Carnauba Wax to clean and shine mine up. If you're cleaning a different type of machine, you might want to check out Billy's (Lostn51) tutorials on how to clean vintage sewing machines. It's much more extensive and I'm not brave enough to try and work on/clean the interior workings of my featherweight....yet
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