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Old 03-24-2011, 07:36 AM
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So glad I stumbled across this thread... I have a 3 year old female Yorkie named Jasmine. She is a pistol! She loves to run around the length of our backyard fencing to make our part bloodhound chase her. She will go to the edge of the house and then run to the other edge while Buddy goes around the rest of the house so she can start chasing him as soon as he gets around the house. It is hilarious watching her! They touch noses through the fence. I'm sure he wouldn't bother her, but she is about 4 pounds and he is so big, I'm just afraid he's step on her and hurt her.

I had to put my 16 year old, Dixie, to sleep last June. Still cry over her. She had the gentlest most loving spirit (Jasmine is so opposite!). I have had one other Yorkie, General; he died in 2004. Miss him a lot too. I love the breed and hopefully will always be able to have one. They are such wonderful companions, and they don't shed!

Taking the food out of the bowl to eat must be something special with these little dogs... Jasmine loves to bring her dry food to the sofa or to the living room to eat. The dry food does help with their teeth. We keep it out all the time.
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