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Old 03-25-2011, 07:34 AM
Henriellen Kibler
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 43

Thank you for how to use coffee filters. I don't drink coffee but my husband did for years. Now he has found out that it irritates his bladder. He has switched to decaf but he doesn't drink as much as he use to and doesn't use the coffee maker except when we have company. So I have a lot of filters I can use. Even though I am 80 I have not tried to quilt with curves and circles. One granddaughter chose a quilt with lots of curves in it and I am trying to learn how to sew curves and get them to lay flat but they will be puckered in the middle. Point being I am going to try your method. I have a pattern for a quilt with lots of circles that I want to try. These filters should help, thank you
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