Thread: small scraps
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Old 03-25-2011, 10:52 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Northeast Indiana
Posts: 44

The smallest I save is "EVERYTHING". I have a nice container next to the machine that collects all odd shapes for paper piecing Pineapple blocks. These blocks are 5" and have 45 pieces in each block.

I also double sew all corner triangles, so there is a small basket catching these HST. They finish at 1 1/2".

I am a hostess on Yahoo for "Postage Stamp Quilts". We exchange 1 1/2" squares 4 times a year. This is my FAVORITE size.
With each swap I get 1,250 more squares. I am working on an Irish Chain with these. I am using Kona-Snow as the constant background.

Anymore 2 1/2" squares look huge to me! I still have containers full of these strips. I have them sorted by color. And a large tote with all the neutrals. They can get cut down of course.

Like I said...I save everything. The selveges are used to make rugs and to tie up garden plants.

Originally Posted by MissSandra
I am cruious to what is the smallest size scraps you collect? all of my fabric is LQS quality, I won't use them, is it worth collecting and giving to someone or is it just a waste? I'm going to keep all this info in my mind.
I would hate to send someone a box of scraps and then have them think oh my gawd, I paid postage on that!!
Thank you
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