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Old 03-26-2011, 05:08 AM
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Our local shop does a 20% discount on all books. You would be surprised how many people will come to the shop just to cruise the book shelf. The owners say it brings people in from miles around. When figuring postage etc, the cost is almost the same, plus you can actually LOOK through the book before you buy. They also sock an area of "flat fold" fabrics. These sell really well for backings. They find people will buy off the wall for the top and then go to the flats for backing. These are good fabrics, usually last years patterns but--
Also a section of 30% off items. again mostly last years overrun from the fabric companies. This area sells well to beginners who are afraid to commit the $$ for a new project when they are just learning.
They also carry a shelf for DVD's on quilting.
They leave their class area open to customers to come and baste a quilt or just to come and sew for a while.
hope that helps a bit. Oh yes, they run the buck a block series every year. Amazing how many people come in for that. Some drive 50+ miles once a month to get that.
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