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Old 03-26-2011, 09:00 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 471

It was a question of giving in to heredity for me. My maternal family went gray early and when it started happening to me I decided to let it go naturally. My mother's hair was a beautiful silver and I hoped mine would be same color. It is. I am in my early 60's now with just a very few darker hairs. I just knew myself; I really do not like taking time with my hair so the roots would always be showing. That is not an attractive look. So, I am and I get comments on how pretty my hair is. Also, when people find out my age they are surprised that I am that old. Those few dark hairs seem to have a nice streaked look and when complimented on it I say: "Thank you, I have gone to a lot of effort for this look!" And I have...61 years and not all easy years. LOL is offline