Old 03-27-2011, 09:59 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Coal Creek Canyon, CO
Posts: 28

Originally Posted by jaciqltznok
how truly sad...I do not know who is worse, the daughter for living in it , or the mother...the mom is clearly sick...she is sad, lonely depressed, and a hoarder extraordinaire! I would love the have the money she has obviously blown on ebay...but she needs help...real counseling help to get rid of this...and it needs to start with some one taking control of her finances and declaring her mentally unfit.

Poor thing..but working with the estate people I have seen a lot of it...rooms full of QVC and ebay boxes never opened...one lady had an entire bedroom full of those jewelry armoires, all full of jewelry from QVC..not the cheapest stuff either...her kids had no idea...another room was full of Fenton glass..she was a qvc junky and run up $180K in credit card debt! Nice legacy to leave your family!

Fear of having a stash is NOTHING like this...a stash is for a working purpose...even a large stash..this lady has collected a landfill full of garbage....
Who are you to say she is sad or lonely? You know nothing about this woman. It's her collection, and her business.
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