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Old 03-28-2011, 08:08 AM
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Iowa
Posts: 60

I just had to tell someone. That part of our prayers have been answered. We sold our house (did not think that would happen so fast, was only on the market for 2 weeks) I got a job (my dream job) I will be working from home, so I will have time to do my job and do some quilting. So we are packing to move!! The next thing is to get the DH a job. We have 30 days and we close on the house. So we need to find him a job. Please say a big prayer that we get this done this week. We are going down for a meeting for my new job and hoping to find DH a job and a place to live.

I can't wait. Warmer weather and great views!
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