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Old 03-29-2011, 04:12 AM
sally's girl
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That is a very good point.....Management needs to be aware of that.......another big complaint I have is when "able bodied people park in the handicapped spot and use someone elses handcap hanger on their mirror. I see this all the time at Wal-Mart

Originally Posted by cjomomma
I have to tell this story.
DD and I went to Walmart one day. As we got out of the van the first thing I noticed was an elderly lady get out of her car and I noticed she was having a difficult time. She walked around her car holding on to the car and she nearly fell a couple of times. I noticed that she kept looking around. So when I got up to her I asked if she needed help to get in the store. Her response was YES, I was looking for a buggy (cart) to use. She also said I wish they would leave a few carts near the handy cap parking spaces. People like me need them.
I just wanted to throw this out there but not as an argument for leaving a cart in the lot for being too lazy. But only as an experience I had.
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