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Old 03-29-2011, 06:29 PM
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Originally Posted by clynns
When I say kits, I usually start with fabric that I can't pass up. After finding a focus fabric, I try to find matching pieces or as close to the color of a contrasting color. I usually have an idea in mind when I start putting together the kits. Although, I must admit, Chocolat and Poetry collections, I kept buying whenever I saw it on sale. I lost my job about 2 years ago so my fabric buying has been cut down to necessity. But I really don't need any. I find good buys, put colors together and make my own quilts. Right now I'm working on quilting a queen size top (graduation present), I have to make 3 baby blankets (1 due in May, June and July) and I've been asked to make 2 more baby blankets and a larger quilt when I have the time. I don't know how I had time to do it all when I was working. Right now, quilting is keeping me sane. Most of my kits have been put together by me. They are not pre-purchased kits. Most of the time, I like my selection of fabric better than what I can find out there. It will be awhile before I put anything on here. There is so much to read out there, that one of the things that I didn't read were the requirements to be able to sale anything on here. So it will be a while before I do. But that's ok, I need to clean up my quilt room to see what I can part with. Heaven knows it deserves a good home. LOL
I have many many yards of fabric also. My husband encourages me to buy what I like and need. I recently saw an add in our local paper for fabric for sale. The sale said 7.00 a yard. I called the lady and ask what she would take for all she had and she told me 2000. I told her I would like to look at it and did today. I bought several yards at 4.00 a yard. Nearly all of it was Moda and she had it stored in containers. It was clean and stored together with other fabrics of the same line. I feel like I really hit the jack pot. Now I need to get busy and get it sewed or find a place to store it. May be I should rent a spot in the same storage she had it stored in lol.
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