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Old 04-01-2011, 09:06 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Under my machine!
Posts: 149

Originally Posted by thequiltmama
I was just saying the same thing the other day to a friend. The fun part is the quilt top. After that I lose interest. :)
I found when I lost interest in a quilt (I had two friends who also quilted and lived within 30 miles who also lost interest in quilts they had been working on), I would take a ride over with my UFO and find something in one of my friends UFO stack and swap. I would finish what they had started and they would finish what I had started. We would meet up when finished, look the quilts over and maybe swap back or maybe keep what we swaped for. We only swaped things that we didn't care if we got back. That way if the person finishing it wanted to keep it that was ok too.
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