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Old 09-28-2007, 07:40 AM
cpeloqui's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 16

The designs that I use include approval to resell the products that the design has been embroidered on. I am very careful about copyright law.

I am only selling the finished product as a service to those who don't own an expensive embroidery machine and all the product that goes with it. There is no limit how the embroidery can be used and I hope people will share their finished product with me so that we can include many ideas on the site.

I buy all of my patterns online through major embroidery pattern supply companies, they are available to anyone for purchase.

This is a new site. My wonderful husband, a software engineer, designed the site and is continuing to improve it. Once he has everything figured out we will be promoting our own designs.

I am marketing to anyone who would like to include beautiful embroidery pieces in their projects of any kind; quilts, table runners, wall hangings, framed as stand alones to name a few. Our primary focus will be selling on the web, but I plan to start doing some direct sales through shows.

Thank you for your reply
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