Old 04-04-2011, 06:27 AM
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: New Mexico, USA, a flyover state
Posts: 52

As the resident patient, surgery one month ago!! It hurts! Total knee on left side a month ago. Right knee was done three years ago. Same doctor.

I am doing so much better in this time frame than with the right knee, however, I still can't go any longer than 6 hours w/o pain meds which puts a damper on most of what I want to do or think I want to do. I can't drive or sit at the sewing machine. My eyes won't focus enough to even to read...or do nice Applique which I love. That is for now...my job for now is to do my exercises, go to PT and keep a positive attitude for positive results.

My husband was able to get an authorization for an additional 10 days on the CPM machine and I am faithfully using it. PT two times a week. Each day I am seeing progress in movement and the bend in my knee. I am using a cane when walking outside and I can walk about a quarter of a mile. I can sit with legs down a more each day. I totally agree about tourniquet feeling when my pain pill has worn off.

It has been interesting to read what everyone has posted. I am or have experienced most accounts and find it all reassuring that I am 'normal'.

My mantra is 'patience' which I am sorely in need of right now.
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