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Old 04-06-2011, 05:15 AM
Great-great granny
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Liberty Hill - Central TEXAS Hill Country
Posts: 1,040

Originally Posted by NanaCsews2
I agree-in the long run when all is said and done, we will all be better for what they are doing to the Board. Updates are necessary. I personally would suggest everyone take a look at their own computer systems. When systems are upgraded, it affects how our computers adapt also. Move up and update when needed on your computer. If you don't clean out your cache-history, temporary files, etc. you are going to be dragging. Use disk-cleanup. Put your documents on disks. And to those who open attachments and forwards in emails-perhaps it is time to control the urge to click on it. You don't know what is lurking behind those attachments, even if they are from a buddy or your mom. Not all anti-virus, malware, etc. is 100% effective. Try not to forward, or open unless you are absolutely certain where they came from. I personally know someone who had over 2100 emails and huge files of pictures saved on her computer until everything crashed and all was gone and techs could not recover them. All of this has an effect on how your computer reacts to anything you are doing online or in other programs. But we all know this, right? This may have nothing to do with the Board updates, but a little reminder won't hurt.
That said, thanks again Administrators for all you do!
:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
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