Thread: Enough already
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Old 04-06-2011, 10:24 AM
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Since everyone is putting their two cents worth in I will too. As I have said before we all need to have patience with the problems on the maintenance but what makes me sad is some make really snippy comments about other member's problems. Yes they are suppose to email the board but maybe they did and just were trying to double check to see if it was their computer having a problem. Patience should be shown both ways. I personally haven't noticed that much of a difference however I am sympathic to those who did. I too do not like to hear the complaining if it is not productive. We all need to be tolerant of each other and more kind words and less critical if others don't meet your expectations. If you don't like reading about the problems others are having then move on to the next subject, I did. What the world needs is more love and kindness, there certainly can never be too much.
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