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Old 04-07-2011, 04:57 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 17,725

Originally Posted by Rabs
It shows no quilt shops in the greater Lansing, Mi area and I know of 4!! :( But is is a great website to help find more shops.
Rabs ... to be listed, the store has to pay for it!

I've seen the book, and for that reason, I have refused to buy it.

Here's what I've done ...

I have an address book that I keep in the car, ready for spontaneous visits. I sort by city/town and if I am there or know I'm going to be, I have what I need.

As I find it, I include store name, address, phone #, website, email, contact names etc. I often can remember there's a quilt store in a town, but where? or the name? ... I've got it ready.

Likewise, I'll include other want-to-go-to attractions in the book.

Handy-Dandy ... Easy-Peasy!
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