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Old 04-10-2011, 11:23 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2010
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Originally Posted by sandpat
Cheri...that sounds like a good plan! I guess I better start packing!! LOL- I wish!!! Just so I understand, are you digitizing it to do applique with satin stitch around the pieces or going to embroider the entire piece?? You threw me with the fusible comment.

Dee, I need to do the same with my book too. I would make it a lot easier. I think Lesley did that with hers.
I had planned satin stitch, but I don't have a good supply of thread colours to match all the fabrics. So I'm thinking blanket stitch in black instead, which is why I'd need the fusible to keep the edges from raveling too badly.

I cut my book with an x-acto knife and ruler. I know I could get it done in city centre but hadn't any plans to get there in the immediate future, so DIY was fastest.
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