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Old 04-11-2011, 06:24 AM
wapatee's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Kalispell, T
Posts: 33

I've lost 6 lbs whooray.... Depression, I've batteled it for 20 years, spent 3 wks in a treatment center after attempting sucide... I live in the northwest and we have long winters, it is not an easy life when it's dark and cold for days at a time. But after many many tries the Dr and I have found a combination of med's that at least give me some rest and better days in the winter. Nothing can cure it, you just have to keep trying to find that one thing that makes you SO HAPPY that you need to perk up and do it. Again not an easy task, but if I can do it anyone can.
Not saying it's a cure all, I have panic attacks and such even in the Summer, but it helps!
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