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Old 04-11-2011, 08:17 PM
DeedeeSwift's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Kansas
Posts: 17

Sorry if this is the umteenth thousandth question re: bobbins and Singers but you guys are all so awesome and patient... I have a Singer 7466 and, although I know it's not the best (I go to retreats and am more than slightly jealous of the beautiful machines out there) it is a good workhorse machine. The last time I had it repaired (bobbin problems) they were adamant at the shop to only use 15J bobbins - now at the time I didn't appreciate this mandate and have seemed to have acquired some bobbins that look similar (plastic) but now I can't tell if there are 15Js or something else and I'm having trouble with the blanket stitch (applique) and the bobbin thread bunching up. Some of my bobbins that I have sacrificed to figure this out have a 9 imprinted on the inside, some have a 10. Can someone who knows for sure they have 15J bobbins (as opposed to 15 or any other) sacrifice a bobbin and look on the inside throat and tell if there's a number..or does the number matter? My Joans only sells 15 not 15J. I could order some 15Js, but I'm hoping to get some free help first...especially since I've now wasted an embarrassing amount of thread unwinding three bobbins to figure out if I've gone wrong. Now I'm so mixed up I don't know which one I was using (insert foolish feeling here) and which one I should be using.
can someone help?
Deedee :-)
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