Thread: Money Question
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Old 04-12-2011, 06:05 PM
Johanna Fritz
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Originally Posted by blugirlami21
I also feel like since I already told her I would do it, it would be unprofessional to suddenly tack it on to her expenses. Advice?
I don't mind making it since it's pretty much free but I guess I would like to know for future commissions.
Accept that you will most likely never be able to get a full payment for the value of your time. Most people wouldn't pay it. I too make quilts for friends and relatives for free. Only once was I paid $300.00 to piece a queen size, simple block quilt. I didn't have to quilt it. I also was able to keep the extra batiks left over - $70.00 worth :0)

If I do make one for money, I go with the person and the pattern to pick out fabric-they usually want help. And they pay for the fabric, backing and batting (that is usually the first eye opener). I look at their pattern and ask them how long they think it will take to piece. Most guess 8-10 hrs (queen size).

I rotary cut and piece one block slowly and carefully and multiply that by the total number. Then I add another 20% of that total for border and binding and any "problems." I tell them my estimate based on the above for time and I usually get $5.00 hr (the $300.00 pieced quilt was $10/hr). I used to machine quilt, but can't now because of a bad back. For that, I used to charge by the square inch. I don't know what current rates are. Always figure 3-4 hrs a day max when figuring total time to account for fatigue and other commitments. Good Luck!
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