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Old 04-13-2011, 04:19 PM
Rita's mom
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Colorful Colorado
Posts: 414

Wow I hope everything is looking up for everyone I have been trying to catch up on all of the posts! Tornados, low blood sugars,road kill, too much wine...err I mean whine.

I am so glad Sandy's surgery went well.

Radiana your story could be mine I have a small house and NO storage but I could still do more about my clutter. It drives me nuts! Not nuts enough to get off my butt and fix it but I am trying. I have herd clutter causes stress and it is so true! When I have things cleaned up and put away I feel so much better. We should keep each other accountable for doing some decluttering each day. I am embarrased when people stop by unanounced and it looks like a bomb went off.

MJ- That is scary about your sugars! Does your doctor have you count carbs and adjust your insulin according to what your sugars are and how many carbs you eat? My daughter Type 1 diabetic and thats how she does it but it might be different for Type 2 diabetics. If you have a snack at bedtime try and have a protein with it or something with cornstartch in it like pudding. It is hard when you are dieting because you are eating less and healthier foods which needs less insulin but your dose is still higher. My daughters doctors say it is like trying to keep a teeter taughter(SP?)balanced.It is hard!

Where is Missy doesn't she love us anymore????

Well not to WHINE but I am getting frustrated I know my weight loss would slow down but I have only lost 3 pounds since March 30th and that keeps going up and down. I have herd you will have platu's(SP?)but how long do they last? It is making it hard to stay motivated especially when life is hectic and your tired and have to many temptations. Eating out alot is tuff!!!
Can some of you that have lost alot of weight share some advice on what you did if your loss slows way down or stops and how you stayed motivated. Cuz if I don't get some support soon people are gonna think I'm nuts! LOL I'm still cracking up over that one! :thumbup:
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