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Old 04-14-2011, 05:22 PM
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My grandfather was from the Maritimes and he had some priceless sayings. Here are the ones I can remember.
"that smells bad enough to drive a dog off a gut wagon",
"not worth a pinch of coon sh*t", (meaning racoon which probably isn't worth very much at all!)
"it fits you like a good kick in the ass", (I think this is actually a Newfoundland expression when something fit you perfectly!)
"she could talk the hind leg off a dog"
"it's better to fart than bust a gut and be lame"
"don't talk so loose"
My mother's favourite expression was "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all"

I LOVE this post!! Please keep sending your family expressions! It is interesting to see the different ones from all over the US and Canada!
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