Thread: 36 and over
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Old 04-15-2011, 09:06 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Port Lavaca, TX
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HA I'm 81 and thought you, a fourty year old now, had the same problems of easy times!
For instance, Ice for the wooden icebox (refrigerator) came every couple days in a wagon and was carried into the house with special large tongs! There was no electricity to it.
In fact, usually there was just one bare unshaded bulb hanging from a cloth covered wire, suspended from the ceiling in the middle of the room,
the bathrooms were outdoors, called "Outhouses" and the toilet paper was crispy pages from a Sears & Roebuck catalog. Going out to them through the snow in the winter was miserable.
There were a lot more coal fired steam trains then, that carried almost everythingthat was used in the town, because trucks were just jalopies for local delivery and most roads were gravel anyway. Each train had its own traveling post office, with a post master who sorted mail, and Railway Express packages,fed livestock and looked after the large milk cans.
Radio was the source of news and entertainment. When it was stormy, there was a lot of static, because each lightning strike was heard as a crackle over the radio. Every family gathered in the evenings to hear comical entertainers, or live band music from a room in a hotel.
There was a lot more, that people called "quaint" when you fourty year olds were kids.
Never, in the history of mankind, were there so many rapid changes in technology, that led to very drastic differences in everybody's lifestyle. 100 years! Imagine! That is all it took, to go from the life of Indians and pioneers who lived like them, to walking on the moon to now!
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