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Old 04-16-2011, 03:19 AM
topaz-spain's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Vinuela, Andalucia, Spain
Posts: 86

Originally Posted by Izy
Originally Posted by topaz-spain
Originally Posted by Izy
Well hello my dear quilting buddy, how lovely to see you joining us here!!

I look forward to seeing what you are making these days, are you still doing the silk embroidery?

Hugs Izy xx

Izy! How nice to hear from you! I was at the sewing club with Elle yesterday. So many new members now. Yes I still do the silk embroidery. I'm currently in 2 fabric postcard swap groups and really enjoying the challenge each month. I'm looking forward to the AOTH quilt challenge. Are you doing it? Take care of yourself my friend. Love Topaz-spain
Hi there!

Lovely to see you here too! I did a lot of fabric postcards, in fact they were for my quilting buddies here who kindly donated fabric to our group...were you a member then..I can't quite remember, do a search on fabric postcards at the top of the page to find mine and others who have made them for more inspiration.

Sadly I am not able to commit to any swaps, as life is too unpredictable for us with John's ill health, but I have made a few quilts since leaving Spain, if you click on my Name on the left it will take you to my profile, then click on topics created to find links to what I have been doing

Now get posting pictures of what you have been up to since I was in Spain please!!

:-D :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
No I wasn't a part of your postcard swap. I think I joined the group when you were doing the swap. I've been making these fabric postcards and swapping with a group of Australian and New Zealand women, since Sept. and thoroughly enjoying the whole experience. As a child I was always fascinated by postcards. This in no exception. So much can be put into 6"x4"! Recently I've been making extra postcards to send to the flood and earthquake victims. Just feel so sorry for those brave folk. You may already know about the fan challenge. This was fun and one I thoroughly enjoyed. The brocade fan is one I made for my display cabinet as the fabric had been given to me as a birthday gift. It occupied me on a rainy day last winter!
I know life's not easy for you Izy. thought of you yesterday when we drove past your villa. We spent the day up in the mountains over there. Take care of yourself too. so good to hear from you. Topaz-spain
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