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Old 04-17-2011, 04:41 PM
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Originally Posted by MaggieMeg
My DD was hoping that her grandmother would make her a baby quilt while she was able. My DD is not pregnant, and must wait three more years till her DH is out of law school. But she so wanted her future child to have a quilt made by her DGM. She fondly remembers, and still has the quilt that her DGM made her when she was little. She was very attached to that quilt. Mom had come to live with my husband and me by that time, and I tried to see if there was anything she could teach me. But as fate would have it, before Mom could make her quilt or teach me anything on quilting, alzheimers took that knowledge from her. She is 89 years old. So, I decided that I would make DD a baby quilt. I knew absolutely nothing about quilting. Zilch. Nadda. What was a quilt sandwich? Binding? So I went to the internet trying to learn what I could on the subject. I found this quilting board. And you people became my angels unaware. I read everything you guys wrote about techniques, etc. And then I just jumped in and made a quilt. I fell in love with that little quilt. All of the tears and sadness that I had poured out and became love put in to that little quilt. Because I was making it in my Mom's stead. Doing what she would have done had she been able. And making it for a child that exists in hopes and dreams for the future for my DD. It was also a coping measure and an escape to make that little quilt. It was my first encounter with dealing with that horrible disease of alzheimers that took my DM by storm. Tears stream down my face as I write this.
You all don't know, that in doing what comes naturally for you, and sharing it on this board, that you were my angels guiding me and helping me unaware. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for being here, and being you.
I felt a part of that little quilt and of course I developed a passion for quilting. But I was not a seamstress ever. My DM was always so good at sewing that if I needed anything, she was always too happy to make it for me. So of course I have so very much to learn still.
My husband looked at the little quilt and declared that he wanted me to make him a quilt to use while watching tv or napping on the couch. That was a huge compliment. I'd have rather waited till I was more experienced and could make him one that was excellent. Surely that little quilt I had made turned out fairly well not due to any talent, but was guided by angels, and I'd never be able to do even that well again. But I jumped in and made one for him. It took me a long time to make. He picked the colors. Manly colors. It was a 'fun and done' quilt as you go method. I gave it to him Friday for our anniversary. I guess he really likes it. He's used it all weekend! It has flaws. But I learned a lot from it.
I have plans...oh I have many plans for future quilts! Stash building is already in progress. My hobby room that used to be for computer and scrapbooking is being overtaken with sewing items. Do you guys think I have the addiction ????
Wow, I just read your story and have tears running down my face. So moving. I also watched helplessly as a neurological disorder invaded my mom's cognitive capacities and then came the cancer on top of that. It's really hard watching your loved ones go through something like that.

Mom died 5 years ago and I just started quilting about 7 months ago. She was the seamstress of the family...NOT ME!!...and I started quilting because I wanted to make something for my DS's FIL who had a stroke. A quilt seemed to be the thing...though, like you, I had NO clue! As I dusted off the sewing machine and fussed away at it as I made that first many times I wanted to ask my Mom how she would have done this...or that. And then of course I wanted to show her so badly how it came out...she would have been so proud! :XD: It was a strange thing...occasionally out of the blue I would do something that instinctively I thought my Mom would have done...and I thought...I did I know to do that?...I guess watching her sew all those years rubbed off a little...subconsciously anyway. So when I sew, I feel close to my Mom in a special way.

And yes, the wonderful people on this board are definitely very thoughtful and loving angels helping us along. Quilting is very therapeutic...and so is this quilting board! Wishing you many happy years of making quilts! blessings, Karen
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