Old 04-17-2011, 11:40 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Perth, Western Australia
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Some lovely words here...and great advice.

My first husband wasn't in the military but would go away to remote Asia for work (quite dangerous work)...for months on end, whilst I was pregnant and with a toddler on the run. When the next one came along...the same again...months away at a time. It is hard being Mum and Dad and keeping things running, repaired and ticking over nicely. Don't ever hide your tears from your kids...I did and looking back, I think I did them a bit of a dis-service. Reading this brought back some bitter-sweet moments...the days when everything went wrong...the hot water system blowing up, car breakdowns, torrential roof leaks...all whilst he was away. The bedtime stories and the hugs from my little guy who used to say "We'll be alright Mum, won't we". All done, dusted and sorted by the time he was back....and him blissfully unaware. You will survive, so will your kids....hang in there and anytime you need friends we will be here. You are doing a terrific job and so is your husband. Love, light and peace and may he come safely home soon.
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