Old 04-19-2011, 03:10 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
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Posts: 378

Originally Posted by Quiltforme
I so wish I was closer. We try to hard to support the families of our heros it is just hard to know how to help. I will keep your family in prayer as that is all I can do right now. Please know that it is ok to cry even in front of the kids. They need to know it is ok too. You are so amazing doing all you do right now I so wish I was closer. take care Jade
I have to second these thoughts....no offense to your mom, but it is truly OK to cry in front of your kids...yes, it scares them some to see the person they look to (and always assume is so strong) break down and "be weak" and cry....but it is reality. Just because you are an adult does not mean you don't have moments of weakness. Truth is the kids gain more understanding and maturity from seeing you cry, then seeing you pick up and move on. They discover that breaking down is NOT weakness nor a sign that you are mentally unstable (even though you may feel that way ;-) )....it encourages them to accept these difficult emotions and then find a constructive way to deal with them...and move forward. IMHO trying to hide your emotions and tears only confuses them more...you don't provide them with an acceptable and functional way to deal with their feelings because your example is to always hide the feelings.....this can lead to unresolved fears and a turning of ones emotions inward....and that can and does lead to all sorts of problems, both physical and mental.

Now enough of my lecture!! Sorry, I am too far away to help you physically, but I truly want to help encourage you here. You have a tough job holding down the home front while your husband gives his time, and energy to keep me free. And I value this. And I thank you for letting him go and do his duty...serving me and mine. Your job is not an easy one....and you shouldn't carry nor entertain any guilt for breaking down, feeling angry at the insensitivity of others, or just having a real tough day.

Saying "hang in there" doesn't help much....but I'll say it anyway...."Hang in there"........today the sun comes up anew, today life won't slap you with so many hard times, today you can get through.

My thoughts and prayers are with you, and your children, today......

:thumbup: :-)
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