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Old 04-20-2011, 07:15 AM
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 15

My response may be too late, but I just stumbled on to this thread--I have a Pfaff 927 and I LOVE it!. My mum gave me her's after letting it sit for years. It is great for piecing, which I do a lot. I have also used it for purse making because I really like the zipper foot. I also like that it has a very small free arm, which is great if you're sewing small sleeves. The Pfaff is my travel and class machine because it's the lightest machine I own--but it's NOT really a light machine, my other 2 are really heavy. It's not one of those machines that will bounce around on your table.
So, anyway, if you did get this machine, I'm sure you won't be disappointed.
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