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Old 04-27-2011, 05:46 AM
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Right now I'm working on making graduation quilt for the daughter of a dear friend from quilt blocks she found in the attic of their family home that dates from the early 1900s. I don't now why whoever made them did not finish them. I think they are made from feed sacks and scraps of men's shirts. They are not very attractive and very wonky. They only thing I could do with them was applique them on fabric and then try to make a quilt out of them. I think about whoever made them a lot as I'm working on them. One even has a small blood stain on it as though she pricked her finger on the needle. They are all hand sewn. Unfortunately, she washed them after she made the blocks and they are so distorted it's really hard to work on them. Some of the pieces in the blocks are are even pieced together. Either she was very frugal or very poor. They blocks are all small, gingham checks and stripes together - very busy blocks. I agonized over what to do with them to turn them into something that the young lady who will get the quilt will like. It's not one of the pretty quilts I'm known for but I hope she reallizes how much work I've put into it. I will post pictures when it's finished.

I'm not sure what this has to do with the 30s but the feed sack thing just started a train of thought that I though I'd share.

Thanks for listening.
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