Thread: tornadoes
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Old 04-28-2011, 09:01 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2010
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Originally Posted by Lostn51
My neighborhood looks like a war zone and we had the 117mph straight line winds. Lucky for me we never lost power but our phone lines were out. There are only 10 homes in my neighborhood with electricity, and all you can hear outside are generators and chain saws running. I am going to have to put a roof on my house and cut a tree down but other than that I should be okay. Might as well go ahead and relandscape the thing, my yard is ruined from all of the tree limbs falling and the rain.

But there was at one time 6 tornadoes on the ground at the same time all around us. I saw one go over our home before it touched down a mile or two from here. I am so glad the storms are over with!!!

How scary! Praying for everyone affected. I've seen pictures of the damage online. It does indeed look like a war zone in some places. Thankfully just rain and thunder and a few stray tree limbs down in my yard. We lost power briefly this morning, but it was restored quickly. Sending hugs!
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