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Old 05-02-2011, 11:42 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Cadillac, MI
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A mile, MJ. That is wonderful. I just put in my exercise time working outside. My son is here from Alabama and was doing some outdoor things for me. I told him I couldn't help, but it's hard not to, so I have raked, sweep, hauled stuff around, etc. Now I can start weeding and such, but only for a limited time each day. I will take the dogs for a walk later, but that's not new. I skip cold rain and less than 10 degrees below zero, but other than that it's year round. If I can't walk them, I can't keep them and I need them. One is doctor ordered and one is her companion.

For lunch, I had a yummy fajita salad at a local restraurant so it's a light supper day, but that's okay.

What will I do different today? No snacking after 8:00 pm. It has worked for me in the past. It will work again. I AM losing weight and getting healthier.

Another difference for my health?? Lots of hugs. The child that just here is my youngest and the only boy. He has a hard leaving when we know we won't see each other for at least a month. He took his nephew's quilt and will drop it off as he goes south tomorrow and save me $40 in gas. Yeah, now I can buy more fabric with the gas money.
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