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Old 03-24-2009, 05:54 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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was cruising around board, and came upon this post, and decided to check out
I can't say enough about this lady. Her first name is Bonnie, I was so distracted by all her quilts, etc. can't recall her last name.
She is a massage therapist, a long arm quilter, she belongs to a quilting group, sing in her choir, enters contests, makes more than a quilt a month...many...donates to charities, has her own website to keep up...whew!!! But you should see her quilts!
There is something there for everybody. She is very scrappy, but the variety in colors and designs would get anybody's creative wheels turning. I am not usually a 'scrappy' person, but so impressed with her stuff, I might have to be on occasion. She has one quilt, she made, with 10,000 pieces! You want a treat, or need some inspiration...CHECK THIS LADY OUT! :wink:
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