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Old 05-05-2011, 04:58 AM
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Originally Posted by kwhite
We did this two years ago with an almost identical little guy. After we fed him we put him in the sink and stimulated him with a warm wet wash cloth. he had some constipation issues and had to have a vet enema, but after we got that squared away he was fine. Now he is 18 lbs and as spoiled as any cat on the planet. He loves water now too. The milk you use is important. THe Vet told us to stop using the powdered stuff I got at Walmart and to use KMR. It worked wonders on our little guy though it is kind of expensive. There are home recipes on line too. We didn't try that. The only other advice I give you is to find some leather garden gloves. In a few weeks you are going to need them. LOL Good luck.
The leather glove idea is a great one but I just started clipping the tips of their nails right away so that they wouldn't be bothered by it. Just barely the tips though!

It gets them used to having their paws handled and I also would look into ears and mouths just to have them used to it. Teddi is very good about having her ears cleaned, pedicures and tooth brushing.
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