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Old 05-05-2011, 06:33 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 216

btiny36 I feel the same way and I haven't even gotten not one quilt top to gether. I think if I finally can get one quilt done, I will be hooked and can do better. I don't have any one close too me too help me either and when I run into an area that I just can't match up, I just quit. Once in a while I come in and look at the top and wonder do I want too keep stressing out on this or should I just quit. I have no answer for you except don't quit. I hate to be considered a quitter. if you have made several quilts already the next one may be the one that gives you the confidence you need too keep going. Ask for help from the ones on the board. Someone will see your question and come back and try too help you through. Maybe you are like me thinking it has too be perfect and if the seams are a hair off, I panic!
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