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Old 05-09-2011, 01:51 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: North Kansas City, MO
Posts: 561

I may be in the minority here, but I don't buy magazines any more. I find they are expensive, contain waaay to many advertisements and inserts and not enough projects for the price. Additionally, favorite projects tend to get lost in the stacks of mags over time.
There are endless sites online and on this board that are free and easily copied and cataloged on your compute disk or hard drive for future use and inspiration. Mine are filed by block type. When I select a quilt to make, I print off a copy that I can make notes, measurements, adjustments, etc, without losing the original. After I complete the quilt, I pull up the original and transfer any notes, etc that I made to the quilt, as well as the date it was completed and who it went to. I've done this for several years and its like an ongoing journal of my quilting life.
I also have a computer file titled "Quilt Tips and Hints" When I see something I think useful I simply "cut and paste" it to this file alphabetically. No more rummaging through old mags trying to locate a particular quilt that I loved a few months ago. Instead, go to the computer file where everything is listed alphabetically.
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