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Old 05-09-2011, 04:49 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Bear, Delaware
Posts: 31

Originally Posted by JudyG
Originally Posted by MISHNJIM
Judy, I think that sounds interesting. I'm so in!!! I have KathyN's row to do and it's her last one. I'm trying to figure out what to do. I'm going on retreat in a week so I'll take it with me.
A retreat sounds like fun. I will be going on one in July, I hope. My friends from Vancouver that I go to Sisters, Oregon with in even numbered years get together in the odd years in Council, Idaho at one of our friend's cabin and sew for a week and shop and go to the Council quilt show. Hope you're retreat is something fun like that.

Since you are short a member, is there any way you would let a new person join? I have been quilting for year, but have never done a row or round robin and am dying to try.

Laura Mattick
Glad you're in on the next one. Looks like we're down to 9 now unless someone else can't do it.
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