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Old 03-27-2009, 04:31 AM
bella_tess's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 12

Hello Pat,
Thanx for the welcome, my son & daughter live in orange county...
they live in port jervis,small world,as to pics,,,hmmm.. I donot have many of those,I love quilting,and admire it but have never even done one..terrible huh... well I will be trying rag quilting since imperfections seem to be as they say sorta ok,disguise-able,I have to make a baby blanket b4 May 8,thats when my first grand-son will be born,we have 3 g-daughters,so I want to make him a blanket & thought I would try the rag quilting method...I will let u know how it}
Thanx to u And all so far for the warm WELCOME!!!
Tess :wink:
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