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Old 05-12-2011, 12:06 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2011
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Originally Posted by craftyone27
I'm not sure why you would pre-wash in HOT water. I would NEVER wash a quilt in HOT so I see no reason to pre-wash in HOT. It's just asking for trouble. I do test some fabrics - reds, batiks - a small piece in a white bowl w/hot tap water. If it bleeds I will pre-wash in WARM water w/a color catcher in the machine. I have had very few fabrics bleed at all including batiks.

One question on this as well - I wonder if bleeding has to do w/what type of water you have - hard- soft - well water? Just wondering... Regardless of the type of water you can pretty much guarantee shrinkage w/HOT water and 100% cotton fabrics!
Because no matter how definite you are that your quilt will get total TLC, there are times it will not. Accidents do happen .... whether if be something we do ourselves? or someone else who is laundering.

And yes, the shrinkage is one of the purpose of pre-washing ... along with checking for bleeding ... and anything else which may happen in the process. Abuse it with hot and also hot dryer ... and know what that worse case scenario is all about!
No, the well water or town, hard or soft ... not going to make a difference in this situation! It's all water!
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