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Old 05-13-2011, 02:43 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: North Central Texas
Posts: 378

Well, I guess I will add my story here too.

My diagnosis of Fibromyalgia and CFS came in Feb 2008, after an autoimmune issue nearly took my life....a rogue antibody was destroying my platelets. Six months of massive steroids damaged my adrenals into oblivion, and ruined my immune system. I did not have the misfortune of getting the wrong doctors from the beginning....In Fort Worth, Dr. Larry Sharp is one of the top five specialists in the country on Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue. There was even a TV special about him in 2006 or 07. Anyway, he blends western and eastern medicine to achieve the best results for his patients. Each treatment plan, and its ongoing changes, is tailored to each "one cure fits all". In Jan of 2010, he approached me and asked if I would consider becoming a part of a control group that was to try a new treatment drug. I said yes. I have been on Low Dose Naltrexone (at the 4.5 mg dose) since March of 2010. I am better. I do not have as many down days. My pain is more manageable. I am not well, but am at a point where most days, with a constant eye on my activity level, I am able to manage. I also take magnesium supplements, thyroid, flax seed oil, and a phyto-estrin, to stabilize my "change of life". With taking Naltrexone, one cannot take narcotics of any kind. So on my bad days, I take two Ibuprofen and two extra-strength Tylenol together. That seems to help manage the pain better. In addition, Dr Sharp prescribed a hot tub for me for Hydro-therapy..and that has been a God-send.

Naltrexone, in higher dosages, is used to assist people who are detoxing from alcohol and drug abuse. The research has shown that, in lower dosages, it affects the immune system into thinking that it is not having issues. A side benefit of this drug is that the chances of me getting any sort of cancer is next to nil, as it prevents the normal cells from going that direction.

Another benefit.....Dr. Sharp suffers from Fibro himself...and so does his wife. So he understands in a way no other Doctor can. I love this man, and truly believe that God led me to him. I am as functional today as I am because of this man....and like so many of you, I too am on disability. My old life is gone, but with Dr. Larry's help, I manage to maintain hope each day that that day will be a good one.

Just my experience. Maybe it will help some of ya'll!!
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