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Old 05-15-2011, 09:43 AM
Gabrielle's Mimi
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Sunny AZ
Posts: 570

Started out making quilts for family gifts, but then was asked to teach at my LQS. Although I just love teaching, much of my time is now spent making samples for the store's classes. I often feel rushed to complete projects, and we do not get paid for making samples (naturally we just get our pay for teaching the class). I find myself asking, "What techniques will potential students be looking for?" and "What can the LQS owner make a profit on?" rather than making quilts that I want to make. Sometimes it takes a bit of the fun out of the whole process, and sometimes I think maybe I should cut back or quit, but I do like the employee discount and truly love helping new quilters learn how to create quilts. I am also pressed for time because my DGD whom I watch 50 hours/week does not sleep much at all, and then I am too tired to sew at night after I've made dinner. Not complaining...just how it is at this point in my life. DGD will grow up all too fast just like her daddy did!
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