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Old 05-17-2011, 09:19 AM
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Originally Posted by AngieS
My lil girl is 3 and is always wanting to sew. :) I'm afraid to give her a needle yet though. I'm afraid she'll poke herself. Are you all using a special needle or anything?
Pins got the name 'Pokies' due to my kids and grandkids working with real pins and needles.

I started one of my kids out at 6 and one at 3 and have also been working with my grandkids beginning at 3 to operate a machine. I have helped them draw a pattern on newsprint for an apron, pin it and cut it out. Then, we work on the machine to sew it. Usually I have them stand in front of me (this way they can reach the pedal and operate the sewing machine) while I help them with my hands also on some part of the fabric as they guide it through. They all have tired somewhat quickly. So, I try not to be in a rush to get our project done. Also, I have used notebook paper to draw lines on and have them follow the lines with the machine without it being threaded. Pivoting with needle down is one of the things I show them and then let them practice on the notebook paper. I love doing this. And they do also!!!!
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