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Old 05-21-2011, 02:02 AM
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Originally Posted by ontheriver
Was wondering if anyone has ever had this problem: last year I fell and hit my right hand. Thought I broke my little finger, but X-ray said no. Months later my finger still hurt and now is getting all bent. The last couple of months the two fingers next to the little one has been hurting. It pains me to just open and close my hand, aches all the time. I can not pick up anything with any weight because of the pain, sometimes not even my drink. I am right handed so this is slowing down my sewing. Anyone have any ideas? I do have appt. with rheum. doc, but not till July.
It seems to me that even if you didn't break your finger the bruising of it has now caused arthritis in that and the surrounding fingers. I broke mine and I now have that problem in my 3 fingers next to the broken one. I hope it is not that because they do get very painful at times.
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