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Old 05-24-2011, 12:21 AM
Betty J
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 932

I have been machine embroidering for many years, starting with the Janome MC9000(now gone)and then the Janome MC10000, which I still have. I have also since added the Brother PR620 and the Brother Innovis 6000D (Quattro). I love the ease of use of these machines and would not go past Janome or Brother brands. I am comtemplating swapping the MC1000 for the new Janome model once it is released later this year.

The one thing I stress to would be Embroidery machine owners is to remember that the price of the machine is the first money you spend. The on going costs can be never ending with purchasing threads, bobbin fill, stabalizers and embroidery designs. This is a very infectious disease!!! and as yet I have not heard of a cure.

This hobby is much like any other, always more to it than first meets the eye.
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